WiP Ahead Published on 2021-11-01 included in InfoOur WiP Ahead events consist of workshops or seminars on some of the obstacles to the inclusion of women and gender minorities. Since these obstacles are often invisible to anyone who is not actively studying them, we believe it is important to educate ourselves about unfortunate human and societal features, such as unconscious bias. We believe that these events can kickstart powerful conversations about progress towards an equal world.
Outreach Published on 2021-11-01 included in InfoWe believe in the importance of outreach in attracting young people (especially women) towards physics. Stereotypes may influence the career decisions faced by young adults, which is why it is particularly important to break these preconceptions and to represent women physicists in outreach initiatives. We aim to collaborate with existing physics and STEM outreach initiatives already led by other groups at Técnico, so that we can reach a wider population in schools despite our limited resources.
WiP Viewing Published on 2021-11-01 included in InfoIn our WiP Viewing events we plan to host public screenings of films related to the topic of women in science (e.g. documentaries). The event will include some time for discussion.
WiP Lunch Published on 2021-11-01 included in InfoWiP Lunch is a networking event where all career stages are represented, from undergraduate students to professors. We plan on starting these events with a short presentation on the status of gender balance at Técnico, followed by a standing buffet lunch. The goal is to stimulate an informal conversation where support, experiences, successes and new initiatives can be shared and discussed.